Clarity In Muddy Waters

Clarity In Muddy Waters
I am just a tiny speck in our beautiful mass

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Does the grinding ever stop?

Every day I wake up and it's the same old song and dance, just a new day of the week.  Does it ever stop?  I know, upon death. I am hoping for a better answer than just turning to dust.  I am learning to just really appreciate whatever free time I have and make the most of it.  I have also learned that falling in love is fun, endorphin releasing but sometimes you have to put the brakes on all those good feelings.  My priorities have gotten all out of order.  I need to not fall into my old patterns of putting the new man in my life before EVERYTHING.  I stopped blogging which is one of my personal ways of expressing my true thoughts and feelings.  This is my therapy.  I need to do this.  I am now in the process of putting my life back in order.  Good relationships are like a good sauce.  It takes time and must simmer slowly to reach perfection.  I can't operate on emotions when it comes to making important life decisions.  If this man in my life wants to be with me it will happen in due time.  He has ALOT of baggage.  So do I, but mine is more emotional.  His is financial, family, legal and emotional.  I would love to be with this man in a more permanent capacity.  I, however, don't think I should be the one laying all my cards out on the table.  He is not good, as alot of males, when it comes to talking about feelings.  So I am keeping my heart in check and now I shall wait and see.  It's his move now.  He knows I am in love with him.  I think I shouldn't have to beg anyone for their time.  Enjoy the labor day weekend.  Peace!

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