Clarity In Muddy Waters

Clarity In Muddy Waters
I am just a tiny speck in our beautiful mass

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tanning beds and puppies

Just a quick little post. Here is a great spot to find some a tanning bed.  You can lay there naked with your ear-buds in and for 20 minutes no one bothers you. Yes, I know not to over-do the tanning bed, skin cancer and what not.  Doesn't everything cause cancer nowadays?  I see little tots carrying miniature bottles of hand sanitizer and I think, are they ever going to be able to build a resistance to germs?  Oh that's right, kids don't play outside that much these days.  Parents are very over-protective because there are so many perverts out to harm their family.  Yes, I am being slightly sarcastic, but if the parents would actually sit out there and pay attention to what their children are doing it would prevent the perverts of the world from an easy kid snatching. Anything good and decent in this world requires effort.

On another note I am now going to be in a court battle regarding Joe because all the kids want his damn money now.  They don't understand that Joe is so happy just eating 2 for a dollar apple pies from McDonald's and watching tv.  They don't even truly know their dad.  They don't know that the only decenbt meals he eats are when I am with him.  When you hear a man say that "Ah, they are just waiting for me to die so they can fight over who gets what" it breaks my heart.

With everything I know now in life I wish I could have given birth to a small, healthy.....puppy!!!!!! God forgive that comment, it just slipped out.  Be Well and Be Kind!


  1. I know more about naked than I do tanning beds and more about lack of hand sanitizer than I do of kids left on their own, though I see it all the time. Yes that is the shit when everyone is tuning up the fiddle to dance on a dead man's grave. Tell Joeto donate it all to charity. The last laugh is the best one.

  2. I actually think that is what he is going to do. He said this way he won't be around to here all the bitching and complaining. Parents know their children...

  3. Awalnya aku hanya mencoba main togel akibat adanya hutang yang sangat banyak dan akhirnya aku buka internet mencari aki yang bisa membantu orang akhirnya di situ lah ak bisa meliat nmor nya AKI NAWE terus aku berpikir aku harus hubungi AKI NAWE meskipun itu dilarang agama ,apa boleh buat nasip sudah jadi bubur,dan akhirnya aku menemukan seorang aki.ternyata alhamdulillah AKI NAWE bisa membantu saya juga dan aku dapat mengubah hidup yang jauh lebih baik berkat bantuan AKI NAWE dgn waktu yang singkat aku sudah membuktikan namanya keajaiban satu hari bisa merubah hidup ,kita yang penting kita tdk boleh putus hasa dan harus berusaha insya allah kita pasti meliat hasil nya sendiri. siapa tau anda berminat silakan hubungi AKI NAWE Di Nmr 085--->"218--->"379--->''259'
